Speak Up supports children’s emotional development by offering them a space where they can express their feelings through talking, creative work and play. Speak Up will deliver a range of services directly to children, parents and staff in school and will work in partnership with all who attends Chase Side Primary School.
There are several ways that you can access the Speak Up service:
Children can self-refer to the lunchtime drop in service, where children can make an appointment to spend 15 minutes with Mrs Rosanna Miguel to talk about friendships, concerns or any worries they may have. Children can attend by themselves or with friends.
Parents can refer their child / children by emailing speakup@chaseside.enfield.sch.uk and discussing your concerns with Mrs Rosanna Miguel.
Staff can refer children by filling in a school referral form or emailing speakup@chaseside.enfield.sch.uk
The school assumes that all children have their parent/carers’ permission to come to Speak Up at lunchtime. Alternatively, if you do not want your child to participate in Speak Up please email speakup@chaseside.enfield.sch.uk to discuss your concerns.