
Breakfast Care

Breakfast Care is managed, organised and run by staff from the school.


It provides children from Reception to Year 6 with a healthy breakfast and a range of activities. It runs from 7.45am – 8.45am (start of school day).


Children can only enter breakfast care between 7.45 – 8.00am as this is when the school gate is supervised, late arrivals will not be able to enter.


The cost is £3.00 per session, a range of healthy breakfasts are provided.


If you would like a place you must write to the office stating which days you would like and the office will contact you once a place becomes available.


Payment must be made in at least one week in advance through Parent Pay, your place maybe withdrawn if this does not occur. Once your child begins you will be charged for the days you have requested whether your child attends or not.
