The Friend of Chase Side (FOCS) is the volunteer run parent, staff (and local community) association. It is a registered charity.
FOCS was set up to provide fundraising support for Chase Side Primary School. Most of our fundraising is through events organised throughout the year, with the Summer Fair being the highlight every Summer and the Christmas Fair in Winter, alongside our Family Bingo events and Family Quiz's and our very popular 'Parent Only' events.
Every parent and carer of a child attending the school is automatically a member of FOCS, as are all the teaching and non-teaching staff at the school.
If you would like to get involved, no matter how small you think your contribution would be, we’d love to hear from you. We always need new faces and fresh ideas. No one is expected to contribute more time than they are able, to events or activities. Please come along to our next meeting; some of these are face to face at school others are online, so there are lots of ways to get involved and it's a great way of getting to know other parents.
Did you know that you can help fundraise for the school by ordering name labels from please use our school code 4081 during ordering. Using these labels could also help you to reconnect you with your children's lost uniform
Did you know that we have our own Facebook and Instagram pages, please use the links below to access them.