Everyone in our school community is a learner and we work conscientiously to develop an atmosphere which fosters effective and purposeful learning.
At Chase Side Primary School we believe that learning should be enjoyable, engaging and meaningful. We believe that a broad and enriching curriculum is an entitlement for all children, irrespective of their race, gender, religion or social background and that it must support every child to achieve their full potential.
We believe, therefore, that the best conditions for learning in school are within a supportive and focused atmosphere where children are encouraged to ‘have-a-go’, be creative, take risks, problem solve and learn from their mistakes!
Across the whole school, children’s learning is promoted and organised through their exposure to and involvement with a broad and stimulating curriculum focusing on themes – areas of learning where the children can negotiate the direction they want to take whilst also ensuring all the key academic and life skills are developed.
Children in the Nursery and Reception start the Foundation Stage curriculum here. The experiences the children have within this are crucial in encouraging an enquiring mind, confidence and a love of learning alongside developing a range of early skills.
We want to continue to nurture this as the children progress throughout the school.