
Parents’ Forum

About The Parent Forum


The parent forum was established as a means by which the Governing Board might consult with the parent body on issues pertinent to the school.  Since its inception the forum has gathered feedback from parents that has been used by the school to improve:


  • Breakfast Club
  • Communication between home and school
  • Range of clubs
  • Healthy eating and new menus

The forum aims to meet once every year (21st February 2018).

What Happens at the Meeting?


The meeting is chaired by the Vice Chair Keir Husband.  A typical agenda includes:


  • Items identified by the governors for discussion
  • Items identified by parents for discussion


Feedback is shared from the previous meeting, current concerns are shared and the forum collectively draws conclusions and recommends action to the head teacher and governing body.


Terms of Reference


The parent forum adhere to the following terms of reference:


The parent forum is a body of parents,  led by the governing body.  The forum:


  1. Is a constructive tool with which the governing body may consult the parent body.
  2. Is a conduit to feed information from the school to parents and from parents to the school.  When asking for feedback from parents forum members should
    • adopt a neutral stance and not offer or promote their personal view.
    • Not allow parents to involve you in any other course of action.
  3. Has an advisory and consultative role. The governing body remains the decision maker and provides strategic leadership.
  4. The forum has evening meetings on a yearly basis.
  5. The forum is chaired by a Governor.


The Forum does not:


Discuss or become the interface for specific areas of concern around individual children.
