
Our Curriculum Intent

We know that our children will enter a diverse and challenging world of work where they are going to need to demonstrate a unique set of life skills and be prepared for life long learning.


Chase Side serves a diverse and changing community which we seek to engage through a range of wider school events.  We aim to deliver an ambitious, aspirational curriculum which is well planned and meets the needs of all our pupils. We aim to ensure that each child has a voice and is treated with dignity and respect. Allowing children to express themselves effectively and creatively in spoken and written English.


All children will achieve well by developing knowledge and skills on their journey through Chase Side School.  Children leave Chase Side ready for a successful transition to secondary school; our preparation for the next stage includes knowledge about the importance of being safe, ready and respectful.  They will be able to express their preferences and their possible future ambitions in terms of personal subject interests and strengths.


Teachers at Chase Side have good subject knowledge and are able to support, maintain and improve this knowledge through training, observing best practice and undertaking relevant research.  Subject leaders provide colleagues with support for planning, resourcing and teaching.  The school curriculum will be planned to ensure that teaching is sequential with the teacher ensuring the knowledge and skills are taught in a logical and progressive order.  Children will achieve the best possible outcomes using exciting and enriching first hand experiences which will both support curriculum knowledge, and provide other essential contexts for language development from our nursery class upwards.


Children will have many opportunities to celebrate the social and cultural diversity of the school community. The curriculum must give children the cultural capital to move into secondary schooling confident about their path to success in modern Britain.

The curriculum provides many opportunities to explore and discuss ‘difficult issues’ in a safe place and children will learn how to make the choices that will ensure they avoid dangerous and risky behaviour.  


Our ambitious, knowledge rich and carefully planned curriculum will ensure that knowledge learnt is deep and built upon over the years. Chase Side prepares children for life in our British Society by fostering in them attitudes and qualities which enable them to become confident, caring and responsible citizens. ​ 
