From September 2024 as well as the normal 15-hour place Nursery sessions we have also been offering a 20 30-hour place Nursery sessions (actually 35 hours)
15-hour places are 8.30 – 11.30am or 12.30 – 3.30pm Monday to Friday.
30-hour places are 8.30 – 3.30pm Monday to Friday, this is actually 35 hours as it includes an additional 5 hours of lunch cover at a cost of £25 per week to cover the cost of staffing (£175 in a 7 week half term).
This amount is payable directly to the school by the families at least two weeks in advance using ParentPay.
Failure to make this payment in advance will result in the child reverting back to 15 hours with immediate effect.
The 30-hour funding is provided by the Government if the family meets the criteria, please check this website to see if your family could claim.
To be able to access the 30-hour offer your child would need to be registered with our Nursery (you can apply as normal through admissions on the Enfield website) and then you need to get a code (more details of the website.)
There are set times in the year when you can access these codes if you are eligible. If you missed the window, then we could not guarantee a 30-hour place in the future.
In the academic year 2024 – 25 we only have 20 30-hour Nursery places. If you are looking to apply for a 2025 – 2026 place, please contact the office as they will be able to give you more information.